Legal information
According to § 5 TMG:
Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum
Fachhochschule Kiel GmbH
Schwentinestr. 24
24149 Kiel
Represented by:
Björn Lehmann-Matthaei and Tim Kraemer
Phone: +49 431 218-4440
Fax: +49 431 218-4441
E-mail general:
E-mail incoming invoice:
Registration in the commercial register.
Commercial register: Kiel Local Court
Registration number: HRB 4312
VAT ID according to § 27 (a) German VAT Act:
DE 176971930
Responsible for contents according to § 6 MDStV (German interstate treaty on media services):
Björn Lehmann-Matthaei and Tim Kraemer
Conception, Webdesign & Programming of the Website
pixlscript - Agency for webdesign & online marketing |
Photo credits
© Fotolia -
© pixabay -
Liability exclusion
Liability for content
The content of our web pages has been prepared with the greatest of care. However, we cannot assume any liability for the accuracy, completeness and currency of this content. As service providers, under the terms of Section 7 (1) of the TMG, we are responsible for in-house content posted on these pages, in accordance with general laws in force. As service providers, however, under the terms of Sections 8 to 10 of the TMG, we are not required to monitor third party information stored or transmitted, or to investigate any circumstances which might be indicative of unlawful activity. This will not affect obligations for the removal or blocking of access to information which are applicable under the terms of general laws in force. However, any such responsibility will only be enforceable from the time at which a specific infringement has been identified. We will remove the content concerned immediately after any such infringements have been identified.
Liability for links
Our website includes links to the external websites of third parties, the content of which is beyond our control. Accordingly, we can assume no liability for this external content. The website provider or operator concerned will assume liability in all cases for the content of linked sites. Linked sites were reviewed for any potential infringements at the point at which the link was set and no unlawful content was detected. However, the continuous monitoring of linked sites, in the absence of any specific grounds for the assumption of an infringement, is not feasible. Should we identify any such infringements, the links to the site involved will be removed immediately.
The content and works produced by the website operator and included on these web pages are protected by German copyright. The reproduction, processing, distribution or use thereof, by whatever means, beyond the scope of copyright requires the written consent of the author or originator concerned. Downloads and copies from this site are permitted for private and non-commercial purposes only. In the case of web content which has not been produced by the website operator, the copyright of third parties will be observed. Specifically, third party content will be identified as such. However, should you observe any breach of copyright, we would ask you to notify us to this effect. If any infringements are identified, the corresponding content will be removed forthwith.